
This page has a collection of resources about probity and procurement we find useful.


CAFAS brochure

CourtHeath’s corporate capability brochure for Commercial and Financial Advisory Services (Professional Advisory Services State Purchase Contract) showcases our service offering and team of expert consultants.

Download as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document.

Probity brochure

CourtHeath’s corporate capability brochure for Probity Advisory and Auditing Services (Professional Advisory Services State Purchase Contract) showcases our service offering and team of expert consultants.

Download as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document.

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights are a set of guidelines for States and companies to prevent, address and remedy human rights abuses committed in business operations.

Download the UN Guidelines as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document.

UN Global Compact Communication on Progress

Submitting an annual COP is at the heart of our company’s commitment to the UN Global Compact and provides valuable information to our stakeholders. Find a statement by the chief executive expressing continued support for the UN Global Compact and renewing the participant’s ongoing commitment to the initiative. Additionally, it provides a description of practical actions CourtHeath Consulting has taken or plans to take to implement the Ten Principles in each of the four areas (human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption).

Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2016) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document.
Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2017) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document. 
Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2018) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document. 
Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2019) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document. 
Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2020) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document. 
Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2021) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document. 
Download CourtHeath’s Communication on progress (Nov 2022) as PDF adobe-pdf-icon document. 


Our clients have provided testimonials that describe their experiences dealing with CourtHeath and the attributes that our people bring to consulting engagements – our advice being timely and considered, positive and helpful interactions with all stakeholders, documents and outputs being of a very professional quality, the consultancy delivering significant value add to a complex evaluation and selection process and the level of professionalism being of the highest order.

Download the full version of our testimonials as

PDF adobe-pdf-icon


Privacy policy

CourtHeath respects the privacy of individuals. We collect and retain personal information provided to us. CourtHeath Consulting does not hold sensitive information such as information about an individual’s race, ethnicity, political opinion or party membership, religion, union membership, sexual preference or criminal record. CourtHeath respects the privacy of individuals. We collect and retain personal information provided to us for the purposes outlined in our policy.

Download the full version of our Privacy policy as


Environmental policy

At CourtHeath Consulting, we are committed to caring for and protecting the environment in which we operate. We are committed to improving environmental performance across all of our business activities, and encourage our business partners and members of the wider community to share that commitment.

Download the full version of our Environmental policy as


Complaints policy and procedure

At CourtHeath Consulting, we recognise the right to make a complaint about the conduct of our personnel. Complaints will be managed confidentially and courteously. All reasonable steps will be taken to protect people involved in a complaint from any resulting victimisation.

Download the full version of our Complaints policy and procedure as



CourtHeath’s FAQ What is probity?

Explains what this concept means in Victorian government procurement.

Download our Probity FAQ as

PDF adobe-pdf-icon or Word microsoft-word-2013-logo document.

CourtHeath’s FAQ What is a conflict of interest?

Explains what types of interests and relationships may create an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest and how conflict of interest disclosures should be managed.

Download our Conflict of interest FAQ as

PDF adobe-pdf-icon or Word microsoft-word-2013-logo document.

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